Republic of Ireland
Lions Clubs Ireland District 133 has a wholly owned registered Charity Trust called:
The 105-I Charitable Trust Fund.
The Regulatory Authority Registered Charity Number is 20054854
Details of registration on Charity Regulator site: Sonraí Carthanachta | Charities Regulator
Details of the Charity on the Benevity Causes website here: The 105-I Charitable Trust Fund | Benevity Causes
Confirmation of current tax registered status: Resident charities and approved bodies – tax relief on donations
Any donation that is eligible for Tax rebate should be processed through the 105i Charitable Trust account, who will then pass the proceeds on to the relevant local Lions Club.
Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland each club MUST register with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
Curent Club registration numbers are:
- Antrim Lions Club NIC109237
- Antrim Coast Lions Club NIC110104
- Ballynahinch Lions Club NIC108758
- Banbridge Lions Club NIC108661
- Limavady Lions Club NIC108891
- Newcastle Lions Club NIC109945
- Newry Lions Club NIC108990
In order to reclaim tax paid on charitable donations each club needs to register with HMRC